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Cantu Shea butter Tea Tree & Jojoba hair and scalp oil. This oil is a great mix of Tea Tree and Jojoba oil and is great to use on a daily basis. This oil can also be used in a number of ways.

1. As a daily moisterizer(Which can be used especially on the ends of the hair to prevent damage).

2. As a hot oil treatment(To repair the hair of any dry or brittle ends).

3. As a pre poo before co-washing your hair.

4. This oil is great to use as a heat protectant when flat ironing, or blow drying hair.

5. As a night time moisterizer when pinappling or twisting your hair.

I have used this product in my daily refresh routing and once applied my hair is soft and moisterized for the entire day.

This oil is creamy and will not weigh the hair down and is great for the transitional weather we see in spring.

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